Weed burgers

Now you can take your backyard grill-outs and park picnics to a higher level by adding a bit of extra love to your plain old grilled burgers. Because cannabis is being used on a much more widespread basis for medicinal purposes there are many who prefer to ingest their product rather than smoke or vaporize […]

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Cheesburger strain

Cheeseburger is a hybrid strain of cannabis shrouded in almost complete mystery. No one knows for sure the exact Indica/Sativa ratio on this flower, but users agree that its effects are more Indica-leaning than they are Sativa-leaning. Very little is known about this strain. This strain was first bred by Cannasol Farms in the US,

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Cannabutter burgers

With summer rolling in already many of us are preparing for vacations, long weekends and cook-outs with friends and family. If you’re looking for a way to put a new twist on a summer favorite, then you will need to ditch the grill in place of a more traditional frying pan when making these 420

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Can you make weed coffee

How to make THC-Infused Coffee Break weed down into small pieces. Heat three cups of water over medium heat on hob. Add butter or coconut oil when water is boiling. Sprinkle the crushed up cannabis and leave for 35 to 40 minutes. Strain the mixture through a small hole sieve. Take your coffee of choice

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How to brew weed coffee

For some people, this is the most enjoyable way to start or end the day, combining two products they love: coffee and cannabis; the science concludes that coffee consumption increases the desire to consume cannabis. We discuss how to prepare this combination and its effects, among other things. A few days ago, I met a friend on the

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Marijuana in coffee

In the name of public service I sampled a few java-ganja products to observe their effects on my cognitive and motor functions. There’s a common misconception that if you combine two drugs you’ll get the best of both worlds. It’s the same thinking that gave us the vodka & Red Bull, the spliff, or the

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Coffee and TCH

With marijuana legalized in an increasing number of states, experts continue to explore its potential benefits, side effects, and interactions with other substances. The interactions between caffeine and marijuana aren’t totally clear yet. Still, you don’t have to look too hard to find products that already mix caffeine with two key compounds of marijuana, CBD and THC. Read on to

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Easy to make edibles

Cooking cannabis is a great way to get the most out of the plant without having to breathe any smoke. Marijuana is a high-fat food. So far, more than 100 different terpenes have been identified which give unique properties to each strain. No wonder chefs from all over the world have created personalized menus that

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How to make easy edibles

How about you turn your love for weed into a love for cooking? Edibles are healthy, delicious, long-lasting, and they can be made pretty discreet. Here are some beginner-friendly recipes that you can use to start making edibles at home. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even make money from selling them someday. The Basics of Edibles You are

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Easy weed edibles

Edibles are one of the most popular ways to consume marijuana. In fact, many new users prefer edibles to smoking. But some people would rather make their own concoctions than rely on pre-made ones. So what are the easiest edible recipes to make?Well, here are five super simple edibles you can make at your own home. The “Firecracker” Rrequires only

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