
Making edibles with shatter

I have a stash box full of cannabis concentrates—it’s a hodgepodge of old oils, discount concentrates that were too cheap to pass up, gifts from friends, and the like. And while I always aim to put them to good use, sometimes months pass before I remember I even have them. I try and smoke one […]

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Honey Edibles

The possibilities are endless for this versatile cannabis infusion. Use it in lieu of other types of sweetener by incorporating it into your favourite sweet and savoury dishes ( honey oat muffins, chocolate avocado mousse, smoothies, and more), or just simply stir the sweet liquid gold into a cup of tea or drizzle over a cheeseboard. Note: Homemade

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BHO Weed

A cannabis extract that uses butane as the primary solvent during the extraction process. Butane Hash Oil is most commonly referred by its initials BHO, and encompasses myriad textures and consistencies. Butane Hash Oil extraction can render badder, crumble, sauce, or shatter, depending on starting material, apparatus used, and techniques applied. What is BHO? Butane hash oil (BHO) is an

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RSO Salve

To grow and make your own medicine… that is the stuff that dreams are made of, am I right?! We like to use our organic homegrown cannabis in a variety of ways, but making topical cannabis salve is on the top of the list. Cannabis salve can help to reduce inflammation, soothe skin irritation, joint pain, and more!

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Edible recipes

Thanks to widespread marijuana legalization pushing cannabis products into mainstream acceptance, there are virtually endless types of cannabis edibles beyond the token pot brownie or cookie—think nut butter, guacamole, barbecue sauce, and even cheese. And while you can pick up pre-packaged edibles at your local dispensary, you can also whip up your own marijuana edibles at home. Making cannabis edibles is

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Weed bacon

Just when you think you’ve experienced all there is to love about bacon, you learn about cannabis-infused bacon. Aside from the marvel that is the union of these two royalties, the real ingenuity lies in utilizing the bacon fat for activation of the THC in the cannabis (similar to cannabis-infused guacamole). This allows preparation of a

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Ice cream weed

How do you make weed ice cream? I scream, you scream, we all scream for weed ice cream If you’re reading this, you’ve probably come up with the high-dea for cannabis-infused ice cream. Unfortunately, we don’t think any cannabis-infused ice cream trucks exist (although that would be awesome). So, we’ve come up with three different

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Weed suckers

I have always preferred smoking my medication over eating it. I enjoy the immediate high I get when I smoke. Plus, when I partake in edibles I alway find myself wondering: Am I high? So when I decided to try Mountain High Suckers, I was a little skeptical. But these delicious gems are more than just candy meds

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Edible muffins

This recipe will have about 25 mg THC per marijuana muffin IF you made your marijuana oil from average cannabis (10% THC) and used 1/2 ounce of marijuana to make 1 cup oil.  To adjust the dosage up or down to meet your personal needs and to reflect the strength of the marijuana you are

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Weed cereal bars

Weed fruity pebble bars have quickly become one of my favourite cannabis edibles! This delicious recipe is a cannabis-infused spin on an old fashioned fruity pebble bar recipe. This recipe serves 25 and takes just over an hour to make. If you’re just skimming this post, make sure to check out the potency calculator near

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