Making Cannabis Infused Lollipops is fun & easy to do, as long as you follow a few simple steps. These marijuana lollipops are so easy to make, you’ll want to make them on a regular basis. The key to making cannabis infused lollipops is temperature. While this is a very simple edibles recipe, requiring only 5 ingredients, it’s not something you can set and forget. You have to be present and keep a close eye on your thermometer throughout the process. There’s a thing in candy making called “Hard Crack Stage” and it simply means that you have to heat your organic sugar, corn syrup and water up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit before removing it from the heat source. Getting it to this temperature, makes your candy hard. Makes sense, right?
Temperature used to make cannabis infused lollipops
The tricky part with making marijuana infused lollipops is that you have to let it cool down to about 250 degrees Fahrenheit so you don’t lose out on all of the incredible healing compounds in your cannabis tincture. This makes it a little messier to deal with since the liquid candy has already cooled and gets a bit sticky around this temperature.

You’ll probably have little hard candy trails all over your molds and counter when all is said and done. The upside is that you can just wait until it hardens and eat it. I didn’t have any issues with stubborn hard candy that I couldn’t pry off, but you’ll want to make sure that you work on non-stick surfaces. If you’re worried about making a mess, just lay down a sheet of parchment paper underneath your candy or lollipop molds.
Of course, it also makes a difference which strain of cannabis the lollipops are made with. Different strains will have different effects, and some work particularly well in edibles. The nice thing about making your own lollipops is that you can control what goes in them.
How to make your own weed lollipops
Making your own cannabis lollipops at home is super simple and fun! There are a couple of ways to do it (depending on your preference and which ingredients you have). We’ve laid out the two main methods below, so check out our recipes and head to candyland.
Cannabis infused lollipop molds
It’s all in the mold. You can use your gummy bear molds from making Cannabis Gummies, or you can find molds specifically for hard candy making here. I prefer working with silicon since it’s reusable and it’s easy to remove your candy from silicon molds, but player’s choice!
You’ll have to make a cannabis tincture first or use decarboxylated hash (I haven’t tried this yet, but will update this post as soon as I do). Be careful when using alcohol-based tincture and make sure you are far away from your heat source when stirring it into your candy mixture. Because… Booze + Heat = Fire.

DIY Organic Cannabis Hard Candy
This exact recipe can be used to make cannabis hard candy.
Organic cannabis infused lollipops and marijuana hard candy recipe
The key to making cannabis infused lollipops is temperature. While this is a very simple edibles recipe, requiring only 5 ingredients, it’s not something you can set and forget. You have to be present and keep a close eye on your thermometer throughout the process. Lollipops—everybody loves them. They’ve been a classic candy since at least the 1920s, immortalised in songs by Shirley Temple, The Chordettes, and Lil’ Wayne. Well, the cannabis community has kicked lollipops up a notch by—you guessed it—adding weed. Here’s the scoop on this popular cannabis candy, with a recipe on how you can make weed lollipops at home.
Weed and lollipops: the perfect combo?
It’s rare to describe something as both whimsical and discreet, but cannabis lollipops seem to fit the bill. They’re a fun, undercover way to get your dose of dank. They taste good and disappear slowly, so you can pace yourself. And, they’re perfect if you’ve got a sore throat or are taking a break from smoking. Which flavour is your fave? We like the green ones.
Cannabis infused candy making: Materials List
There are a few things you’re going to need ahead of time to make this recipe:
A good candy thermometer
Lollipop or hard candy molds
Lollipop sticks
Cannabis tincture or decarboxylated cannabis concentrate (hash, CO2 extract, etc.)
Directions for making Cannabis Lollipops
Combine in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat:
- 1 Cup Organic Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Organic Light Corn Syrup
- 1/4 Cup Filtered Water
- Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
Once boiling, insert a candy thermometer. Don’t stir after your magic concoction starts to boil.
When your thermometer reads 300*F, immediately remove from heat. Keep your thermometer in the pot.
When the temperature drops to 250*F, stir in:
- 1 tsp Organic Orange or Lemon Flavor
- 2-3 tsp Cannabis Tincture
- Carefully pour into lollipop molds or candy molds.
- Allow to cool completely at room temperature for about 15-20 minutes.
Store in an airtight container.
Method two: with hash
If you’ve got hash instead of cannabis tincture, this is the recipe for you. Keep in mind it’s not vegan, since it contains gelatine and butter.Related articleThe 5 Best Ways To Make Hash
- 2g+ of hash (depending on how strong you want your lollipops to be!)
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup light corn syrup
- Powdered gelatine dessert mix (1 box, flavour of choice)
- 55–60g unsalted butter
- Lollipop sticks
- Baking tray or lollipop moulds
- Large bowl
- Stove
- Metal whisk
- Saucepan
- Candy thermometer
- Ice cream scoop
- Spread the lollipop sticks evenly across a non-stick baking tray, or position them in your lollipop moulds so they are ready to go.
- Pour the gelatine dessert mix into a large bowl.
- Crumble the hash into the bowl with the powdered gelatine mix, and stir to combine.
- Combine the sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Place the candy thermometer in the saucepan.
- Allow the mixture to liquefy and come to a boil. Once boiling, stop stirring and increase the heat on the stove.
- Keep an eye on the candy thermometer, heating your mixture until it reaches 140°C (284°F). Turn off the heat.
- Take your ice cream scoop and carefully(!) scoop the mix onto the ends of the lollipop sticks.
- Allow your lollipops to cool and harden (around 30 minutes).
- Store in an airtight container and enjoy!
I have a magic butter machine, made coconut oil, I went to hobby lobby and bought a lollipop making kit and a hard candy making kit, each kit came with molds and all ingredients, the first batch I made turned out perfect, taste was good I made sour apple and you could taste the Cannabis but it was subtle and added to the flavor I thibk, trust me the candy definitely works, I don’t have a gulbladder so I can’t eat cookies or rice Krispy treats and get high, so candy is the only edible that will work since it’s sub lingually and not having to process through my gulbladder to have the fat be broke down. The molds are a great way to start. Def timing is crucial.