How to make infused coffee?

How to make infused coffee?

How to make infused coffee?

For some people, this is the most enjoyable way to start or end the day, combining two products they love: coffee and cannabis; the science concludes that coffee consumption increases the desire to consume cannabis. We discuss how to prepare this combination and its effects, among other things.

Many people prefer to medicate with cannabis edibles rather than smoking or vaping, which leads us to cannabis coffee.

Millions of people love to start their day with cannabis, and for so many, cannabis and coffee have become the perfect morning pairing.

Thankfully, there are SO many different ways to make an amazing cup of cannabis coffee, all of which compliment the coffee and creamer you already use.

There is no one right way to make a cup of cannabis coffee, so here we will share our seven favorite methods for making the best cup of cannabis coffee according to your preferences and what you have available.

THC and Coffee

Just in case you’re wondering what the difference between THC and CBD is, THC has more psychoactive effects than CBD and is what makes you feel the high or euphoric sensation. Otherwise, CBD and THC have very similar benefits. THC can be used to help people manage pain, muscle spasticity, glaucoma, insomnia, low appetite, nausea, and anxiety. 

Edibles, including cannabis in both food or drink form, are a great alternative to smoking. While ingesting weed is less harmful to your lungs than smoking, it can also give you a better high because edible cannabis first passes through your stomach and then liver before it gets into your bloodstream and brain. Your liver converts THC into a stronger form and therefore adds to the intensity of the high. It can also make your high last for much longer!

Basic step guide to delicious and impeccable THC-infused coffee.

  1. Break weed down into small pieces.
  2. Heat three cups of water over medium heat on hob. Add butter or coconut oil when water is boiling
  3. Sprinkle the crushed up cannabis and leave for 35 to 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the mixture through a small hole sieve.
  5. Take your coffee of choice and add the combination together.

Can THC Be Used in Coffee?

But wait, can THC be used in coffee? We hear you – if you’ve never tried cannabis-infused food or drink before, this concept might come as a bit of a surprise. Believe it or not, though, consuming THC through edibles is not only delicious but also gets to work much more effectively and the effects last longer, too.

People have been combining cannabis with food and drink for many years – much to our delight! So whether you are looking for a tastier way to consume weed, or want to avoid smoking, you can indulge in our THC coffee recipe to do just that.

The Science Of Cannabis Coffee

How to make infused coffee

Cannabis coffee contains two main components: caffeine and THC. It’s the combination of those two chemicals that makes cannabis coffee unique.

At the biological level, the caffeine in cannabis coffee (or even just regular coffee) does a number of cool things, including:

  • Boosts the effects of serotonin and dopamine
  • Blocks adenosine receptors in your brain (so you don’t feel tired)
  • Signals the release of adrenaline
  • Increases blood flow
  • Helps muscles contract

All of those effects combine into the umbrella idea that coffee gives you energy and makes you more alert.

Coffee Made with Leftover Cannabis Pulp

This is another one where they say don’t knock it until you try it!

Leftover cannabis pulp is the plant material left over from making cannabis butter, cannabis coconut oil, or cannabis olive oil.

While many people typically throw the leftover pulp or ‘sludge’ out, many of our readers have reported that they save and use the leftovers in many different recipes.

The best way to add cannabis pulp leftovers to your coffee is to place the leftover plant material in a teaball and steep it in your mug. 

Coffee Made with Cannabis Sugar

Adding a spoonful of cannabis sugar to your morning cup of coffee may be the easiest way to make a cup of cannabis coffee.

But, it takes a little bit of work to make cannabis sugar.

Before making your own cannabis sugar, you must first make a cannabis alcohol tincture.

Once the tincture is made, you pour that over sugar to make cannabis sugar.

The Best Cup of Cannabis Coffee


  • 1 teaspoon cannabutter
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid sunflower lecithin
  • 8 ounces brewed coffee of choice
  • 1 teaspoon regular or cannabis sugar optional
  • 1 tablespoon creamer of choice optional


  1. Brew the coffee according to your favorite method of choice.
  1. In your favorite mug, add the cannabutter and sunflower lecithin.
  2. Pour the hot coffee over the cannabutter and lecithin.
  3. Emulsify the coffee, butter, and lecithin together with a handheld milk frother. Allow as much foam to build as desired.
  4. Stir in your sugar, coffee creamer, or any other coffee additive you want.
  5. Enjoy!


We recommend adding ¼ teaspoon of lecithin per 8 ounces of liquid. If you’re making a larger cup of coffee, adjust as needed.

Cannabis Infused Coffee Recipe #1

Ingredients & Supplies

  • ½ gram of ganja
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil
  • Pan or kettle for boiling
  • Strainer
  • Large bowl or 4-cup measuring cup for straining
  • Pan or coffee maker for final brewing

How To Add THC To Your Coffee

1) Grind

Chop your weed as finely as possible.

You’re certainly welcome to shred your buds with a knife if that makes you happy. But we live by the maxim, “Work smarter, not harder,” and choose to use a grinder instead. It’s easier, faster, and just plain better.

Don’t make your life any more difficult than it has to be.

2) Boil

Pour 3 cups of water into a pan and bring to a boil. If you need more explanation for this step, you might want to step aside and let someone else take over.

Once the water is boiling, toss in 2 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil.

3) Simmer

When the butter or oil is completely melted, reduce the heat until the water simmers (think gentle boil).

Sprinkle in your ground cannabis from step one and let the whole thing stew for 40 minutes. Stir the brew several times so the plant matter doesn’t stick to the side of the pan.

4) Strain

After 40 minutes, pour the water/oil/bud mix through a strainer to remove the shredded sinsemilla. Don’t worry. It’s already given up the good stuff (cannabinoids and terpenes) during the 40-minute simmer session.

So unless you like floaties in your hot beverage, get rid of that gunk.

5) Brew

Now you’re ready to make your cannabis coffee!

Pour the water you just boiled into a coffee maker or pot. Add your favorite coffee grounds and brew away.

6) Blend (Optional)

As your cannabis coffee cools, the butter or oil will separate from the water. You can extend the time the mix stays in solution by running your brewed coffee through a blender before drinking.

Delicious Weed Infused Coffee Recipe #2

Here is the bit you have been looking forward to, and probably the reason you are here in the first place! So tasty, easy, and quick THC coffee requires just a few staple ingredients to create:

  • Coffee (whatever your favorite is!)
  • 3 cups of water
  • Butter or coconut oil
  • Cannabis of your choice (recipe calls for ½ gram)


  1. To start with, you want to break your weed down into small pieces for ease later on. We recommend using a good quality grinder for this.
  2. Once you have crushed your cannabis down to a suitable size, heat your water (3 cups) over medium heat on the hob. Bring the water gently to the boil. You want to add your butter or coconut oil into the boiling water so that it melts. The butter/oil helps to absorb the cannabis as it boils, making for your high-hitting coffee later on!
  3. Sprinkle in your crushed-up cannabis and leave for around 35-40 minutes. This shouldn’t require too much watching over but stirring occasionally is essential.
  4. Once your time has passed, you need to strain the mixture through a small hole sieve. Once sieved through, you are now ready to prepare your coffee!
  5. Take your coffee of choice and add the combination together, adding any extras such as sugar as desired.

Cannabis Infused Coffee Recipe #3

his delicious and easy marijuana coffee recipe requires just a few simple ingredients to create:

  • 3 rounded teaspoons coffee
  • 3 cups of water
  • Butter or coconut oil
  • Any cannabis of your choice (recipe calls for ½ gram)

Now for the recipe!

  1. Use a good quality grinder to grind your weed down into smaller pieces.
  2. Heat your water (3 cups) over medium heat and gently bring it to a boil.
  3. Add your butter or coconut oil to the water to make it melt (the butter/oil helps absorb the cannabis as it boils).
  4. Sprinkle your cannabis pieces into the mixture and time it for 35-40 mins, stirring occasionally.
  5. Strain the mixture through a small hole sieve. 
  6. Grind whole Fusion coffee beans to medium-coarse and make yourself a cup of coffee using whatever method you enjoy the most
  7. When your coffee is ready, combine the cannabis mixture you created with your coffee and add any other desired ingredients like cream or sugar.

Enjoy your coffee!)

2 thoughts on “How to make infused coffee?”

  1. Coffee and cannabis are the perfect compliment. I find that they enhance the flavor of each other. Also coffee reduces any lethargy that may be caused from the cannabis. The Dutch knew what they were doing when they decided to sell cannabis in coffee shops. But the best cannacoffee I tried in Canada 🙂

  2. I think in just 2 months, I am now addicted to the THC coffee. But there has been no side effects, and it is very freshening for me, both for the mind and the body.

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