How about you turn your love for weed into a love for cooking? Edibles are healthy, delicious, long-lasting, and they can be made pretty discreet. Here are some beginner-friendly recipes that you can use to start making edibles at home. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even make money from selling them someday.
The Basics of Edibles
You are going to see the word “decarboxylation” being mentioned a whole lot in this list. You see, the THC in the weed needs heat to become active. When you are smoking or vaping it, the process of turning weed into smoke has the necessary heat to activate THC. In order to use cannabis in recipes, however, you need to activate the THC beforehand through a process called decarboxylation.

The idea behind it is simple: put your weed in the oven for about thirty minutes until it becomes brown, and then it’ll be ready to be used on foods. The temperature should be about 250ºF; it shouldn’t burn the weed, just heat it. Once you have your decarboxylated weed, you can get started on the recipes below.
Weed Chocolate
Chocolate is both delicious and healthy. As the byproduct cacao seeds, chocolate is basically solid vegetable juice. What makes it unhealthy is all the sugars and other additives that are used to make chocolate more delicious. This is why, in order to get the most benefits, you should go with dark and bitter chocolate.
Turning chocolate into edibles is also pretty easy and convenient. All you need to do is decarboxylate the cannabis, grind it to a fine powder, then add it to molten chocolate. Different recipes will have different steps, but that’s the gist of it. The decarboxylation process is the trickiest part of the recipe, and you can skip if you have some cannabis butter you can use.
Are you ready for the weed chocolate?
- Dark chocolate or milk – 3 bars
- Decarboxylated cannabis – 2 gr
- Nuts, dried fruit or other additions for the chocolate (optional)
Melt the chocolate. You can do it in a microwave or to put it in a heat-proof dish on top of boiling water.Put your decarboxylated cannabis into the chocolate and stir it.When it all melted together, you can place it into a mold. Add vanilla or dried fruits if you want.Check carefully if there are not any air bubbles (just tap on the table to be sure) and put into the fridge to refrigerate.
Cannabis Butter
All you need in order to make cannabis butter is butter, decarboxylated weed, and water. Everything needs to be boiled together for several hours, but once it’s done, you’ll have a nice treat that can go with anything. Cannabis butter can be used to make a wide array of edibles, including the chocolate mentioned above. You can also use it to make everything more fun. Want to get high from eating toast or turkey? Add cannabis butter and go to town.
So, how to make easy marijuana butter?
- 1 cup of butter
- 7-10 grams of cannabis (already decarboxylate)
You need to mix 1 cup of the butter and 1 cup of the water (we use it to prevent the butter from the scorching).Then grind the cannabis with a grinder.When butter melted, add the cannabis into it.Put the temperature around 70°С and let butter and cannabis mixed during 2 or 3 hours.Strain the cannabutter through the cheesecloth and put it into the fridge.In 1 hour check if there is some water still and take it out.
Cannabis Ice Cream
There are many ways to make cannabis ice cream, and most of them quite simple. Recipes often involve cream and either decarboxylated cannabis or cannabis butter, and they can be as easy as mixing everything together and freezing it.
Cannabis Tea
It’s like tea, but even more relaxing. You can make tea out of cannabis leaves, just like you would any other herb. However, unless you decarb the leaves first, the tea won’t make you high. Alternatively, you can make tea using hot water, a teaspoon of cannabis butter, and honey for a sweetener.
Cannabis Brownies
The easiest way to make cannabis brownies is to just buy brownie mix and then follow the instructions on the box. Find a mix that requires oil, and when it’s time to add the oil, mix grounded down decarboxylated cannabis with it. Then follow the rest of the instructions and enjoy your delicious cannabis treat. The same method works for making CBD brownies at home, by the way. Just add some of Cibdol’s CBD oil to the recipe.
Cannabis gummy
One of the super fun and top edible that you can easily make at home without any special tools is gummy bears. It is some kind of really healthy products which would be done in some steps. The thing is that if you want to avoid the refined sugar and also fats, but still want to have some fruit candy, that homemade weed gummies could be a perfect option for you.
What do you need to make your gummies?
First of all, for making cannabis gummies recipe, you need to have a tincture. But as we wrote above it is not difficult to do (it requires having 2 ingredients for that). All other things depend on your taste.
Which is the best cannabis gummy candy recipe jello?
- 1 oz tincture (it is around 29,5 milliliters)
- 2 green (or any other with your taste) tea bags3 tbsp of honey½ cup of coconut water
- ¾ cup cherry (or any other with your taste) juice1
- ½ tbsp agar-agar powder or gelatin (to make vegan cannabis gummies, use agar)
- ⅛ tsp of salt
Put the coconut water into a small saucepan. Boil it and add, tea bags into it coconut water for up to 10 minutes (but no less than 4 minutes). Take out the tea bags.Add the juice, salt, and honey to saucepan. Stir gently. Return mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.After this put agar-agar powder or gelatin and whisk constantly for 3–4 minutes.Now the time for your tincture: put it and whisk it very well again.Turn off the stove and the liquid into the condiment bottle through the funnel. (be careful, it is hot!)Put it into the gummy bear mold.Put the mold to the fridge and let it there for 15 minutes.Remove bears from the mold and store in an airtight container.Chocolate cake
A classical dessert with weed is the chocolate cake. It calls “Space cake” because you really could have a travel to Space with it. It is one of the most popular edibles and the most well-known way of making weed cake with butter. This cannabis cake is easy to cook and it is very tasty. But with the taste, it is also one dangerous thing: to stop!
How long it is possible to store this Space cake?
To tell the truth it will be okay to store it in the fridge for one week maximum or three months in the freezer. Be sure that you protect all the people who are living with you that they will not take some “piece of an amazing tasty chocolate cake which they found in the fridge”. Maybe they will have the best trip in their life but anyway it is better to know about what you are eating.
How to make a weed cake?
- 200 gr melting dark chocolate
- 250 gr soft cannabutter
- 200 gr sugar5 eggssome drops of vanilla extract
- 350 gr flour
- 2 tbs of powdered cocoa1 tsp of baking soda1 cup of milk
- Some drops of lemon juice
- Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
- Slowly melt the chocolate in a microwave or in some saucepan.
- Put the lemon juice into the milk.
- Mix in a bowl flour, cocoa, baking powder
- Mix sugar and cannabutter very well with blender, add eggs one by one, don’t stop mixing
- Add vanilla extract, chocolate and mix with milk and flour.
- Stir very wellPut some butter at the baking dish and add our mixture.
- Bake around 50 minutes.
I’m pretty new to gummies and CBD in general and just ordered some. I want them most for joint pain, since my job requires me to walk alot. Is it better if I take them before work? I don’t have trouble falling asleep, so idk if they would be beneficial after work. Thank you for this recipe I will def will try to make those myself.