Ataxia is a terrible illness that, owing to its incurable nature, has no cure. CBD has been observed to have anti-inflammatory qualities and can assist with some ataxia symptoms. So, what role does CBD play in treating sufferers of ataxia? Continue reading to learn more about this fascinating topic. If you’d like to buy the best CBD for Anxiety, use cannabis delivery to your home.
What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a cannabis-derived product that’s extracted from the plant and then diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or hemp seed oil. CBD refers to cannabidiol. It’s the second most common active component in marijuana (marijuana). CBD is a necessary element of medical marijuana, which is produced directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of marijuana.
CBD, unlike THC, is not psychoactive and does not cause a “high” effect. Although CBD is present in marijuana, it does not create a “high” sensation because it is non-psychoactive. There are, however, some minor CBD side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness or lightheadedness, decreased blood pressure, diarrhea, stomach discomfort and hunger changes. You should also keep in mind that CBD can interact with other medicines; thus I strongly advise you to speak with your doctor before using CBD. You should also avoid eating grapefruit or using any other grapefruit products to minimize the risk of unwanted CBD effects.
What is ataxia? Can it be cured?
Ataxia is a disease of the nervous system that causes muscle coordination or control of voluntary actions, such as walking or picking objects up. Ataxia can affect numerous movements and cause problems with speaking, eye movement, and swallowing. The treatment for ataxia is determined by the cause. Adaptive equipment, such as walkers or canes, may assist you in maintaining your independence. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy , and regular exercise might all aid in recovery. Ataxia can appear suddenly or develop over time. Ataxia, a symptom of numerous neurological diseases, can manifest in several different ways. Ataxia causes: poor coordination; an unsteady gait that is prone to fall; difficulty with fine motor activities such as eating and writing/buttoning a shirt; change in speech; nystagmus (back-and-forth eye movements) and difficulties swallowing.
The following are some of the causes of this condition: head trauma; an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by a blow to the head, such as those sustained in a car accident, can induce acute cerebellar ataxia, which appears suddenly; stroke: an obstruction or bleeding in the brain may cause ataxia; cerebral palsy, which is a catch-all term for several disorders caused by damage to a kid’s brain during early development — before, during, or shortly after birth — that affects his/her ability to control body movements. Other potential causes include: autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis, and celiac disease; infections such as ataxia can occur after chickenpox or other viral diseases such as HIV or Lyme disease; paraneoplastic syndromes are rare, however they can be caused by various brain abnormalities and toxic drug reactions. It’s also worth noting that ataxia can be induced by a variety of problems in the brain, including tumors and medication side effects.
Unfortunately, ataxia has no cure. There is no treatment that will help to completely cure this condition. But there are medications that help to deal with the symptoms that aim of treatment of ataxia is to improve the quality of life though patient education and provision of aids and devices to maintain self sufficiency and independence for as long as possible.
Does CBD oil help with ataxia?
Studies show that cannabis contains valuable neuroprotective antioxidants. When taken with other vitamins, cannabis may effectively slow down the progression of Friedreich’s ataxia. Topical application or oral consumption of cannabis is widely used to help manage several muscle-related ailments. Patients with Friedreich’s ataxia may rely on cannabis to treat localized pain and loosen up tight muscles especially those in the spine. Cannabis is proven scientifically effective at treating pain caused by a variety of different factors. For patients struggling with pain caused by spinocerebellar ataxia, cannabis offers a safer way to manage pain without resorting to opioids. Neurological damage and diseases may be challenging to cure completely, but cannabis has been shown to have neuroprotective properties. It also reduces inflammation and helps regenerate brain cells, which may benefit patients of ataxia especially in slowing down the progression of the disease.
Inside CBD oil for movement disorders
Several epileptic disorders have been initially interpreted as possible movement disorders. This is the case of facio-brachial dystonic seizures that have been described in the movement disorders and epilepsy literature. Myoclonic abnormal movements could be initially diagnosed as movement disorders and the etiology may be epileptic in nature as well. In fact, antiepileptic medications are used for different movement disorders. Therefore, there is an overlap of manifestations of movement disorders and epilepsy conditions. The compounds CBD and THC have already been studied by scientists on animals and are currently under research in humans. Due to the lack of research on this topic, there is no strong evidence that support these new therapies as effective for adult patients with epilepsy. On the other hand, in the pediatric population, there is some evidence of improvement of the seizure frequency in patients with Dravet and Lennox Gastaut syndromes that took CBD.
The American Epilepsy Society is committed to supporting research in this field, and given the uncertainty of the available knowledge, it “urges all people touched by epilepsy to consult with an epilepsy specialist to explore the existing treatment options, so that they can make informed decisions with their specialist that weighs the risks and benefits of the different treatment options”. Currently there is a great interest in the professional community to explore these new possible treatments, and new CBD compounds are being studied. CBD may show better results than expected as it has been proven in pediatric patients, however you should keep in mind that CBD still needs to be more researched and there are more studies that have to be held in order to prove CBD’s efficiency and health benefits for human body. That’s why before starting taking CBD, you have to consult with your doctor to see if CBD does not influence your health condition in a bad way.
Is there any research around CBD and ataxia?
The research on this topic is quite limited. The study that was publishes in US National Library of Medicine stated that there is growing interest in the therapeutic potential of marijuana (cannabis) and cannabinoid-based chemicals within the medical community and particularly for neurologic conditions. This interest is driven both by changes in the legal status of cannabis in many areas and increasing research into the roles of endocannabinoids within the central nervous system and their potential as symptomatic and/or neuroprotective therapies. We review basic science, preclinical and clinical studies on the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids specifically as it relates to movement disorders.
Another study that was published in 2016 stated that CBD alone was also effective in improving motor deficits, potentially via an action on peroxisome and in this regard, CBD has recently been awarded orphan drug status for the severe childhood epilepsy Dravet syndrome, but it is still under trials.
CBD oil for ataxia: final verdict
In my opinion, CBD is a great dietary supplement that definitely has some health benefits. Ataxia is a very complex condition and you should not treat CBD as a cure for this or the main treatment. If you are new to CBD, you should definitely ask you doctor before starting taking CBD in order to avoid any worsening of your health condition. Moreover, if you already take other medications, it is known that CBD can interact with some medicine, so you should definitely consult with your doctor. Of course, in treating such complex condition, CBD can not be a solution, but it can definitely help with relieving some pain or inflammation, which will definitely help you to deal with ataxia much better and easier.
Now it’s your turn
If you used CBD for ataxia and noticed some improvements, please feel free to share your experience via comments! That will definitely be helpful for others. The internet is a great place to share your own experiences and knowledge. With this website we want to make a platform, where people can share their stories in order to help others from their thoughts and opinions. Here we want to create a free forum, where every opinion will be heard. If you feel like you have any relevant stories or experiences with CBD and how it helped you with fighting your cellulite, please feel free to share that and write a comment below. It will be very appreciated. Moreover, if you have any arising questions about CBD, please also comment them down below, so we can immediately answer and hopefully clear everything up for you!